Facilitation / Mentoring
Art Stop 2018 -
Artstop is a visual arts studio based in Brunswick that is supported by Arts Access Victoria. Alister Karl been the lead artist and facilitator of Artstop for 6 years. Alister supported the group through the Covid lock-downs remotely and has led the group from strength to strength since. Supporting the group in 2023 to develop the show 'Shining a Light' and exhibit it at the schoolhouse studios. In 2023 and 2024 the group collaborated with the Little Projector Company to present work projected on the local buildings. Alister's back ground in producing video and installation work was key to supporting participants to develop work for these video pieces.
Later in 2025 Art Stop will be leading the Exhibition 'Beacon' at Counihan Gallery. |
Maximum Art Skills 2023 - 2024
Maximum Art Skills is a art workshop that is supported by Jolt Arts. Participants in the M.A.S. workshop develop an individual’s professional art skills across a range of mediums. The group is focused on multimedia expression and challenging the norms of Australian and international arts industries.
Alister worked closely with the artist Stelarc to support the development of work that explored new media. |
Fish and Chips, The Bird CEO project. by Andrew Crosling
Whenever 2023 by Max Cheevers
The Sonic Adventurers 2018 - 2024
The Sonic Adventurers, working more like an artist collective rather than a music ensemble, members of the group focus on their individual practice, as well as exhibiting and performing together for later events and happenings. The Collective tends to emphasise gallery-based sonic and visual art work amongst a diversity of other art forms (video art etc.), and ways of presenting their creative voice.
Alister facilitated this group, supporting participants to develop connections between their visual arts and sound art practices. The group developed work for exhibitions, both local, regional and international. |
Footscray Community Arts 2007 - 2016
ArtLife Studio is a program for d/Deaf and Disabled communities, or people with lived experience of disability who have an interest in art and creativity.
Through ArtLife Studio, we facilitate opportunities for emerging and established artists to work towards individual artistic goals, across a range of chosen art forms and art practices. Alister facilitated the visual arts and the photography groups as well as supporting the theater group the Chaotic Order and the sound art ensemble The Amplified Elephants. |
Arts Mentoring 2018 -
Arts Access Victoria connects Deaf and Disabled artists with mentors to achieve individual artistic goals. Mentoring is a one–on–one relationship to support creative development at all levels and across all artforms. The aim is to discover how to ‘do the right things’ to progress along your particular artistic pathway.